I fully support and value the candle/lotion/bath bomb/face mask/perfume gift. 100%. I just wanted to make a 'gift guide' that had a little more to do with my specialty, writing.
You're probably thinking, "that will take way too much brainpower that I have reserved for CandyCrush(is that still what the kids play?)." I've broken it down for you, so it shouldn't be too overwhelming. And for those of us that just want to click, click, click and be done, I'll include some links to a few books that would make great gifts.
A List of Memories
Write them a top 5 favorite memories list. One of my favorite conversations to have with friends and family are the ones where we remember some of our most deeply imprinted memories together. These are often my favorite because I don't have a great memory and I forget a lot of the little moments in my life that others remember clearer than I do. So for your mother, make a list of 3-5(or more, go crazy!) of your favorite memories together. They will love reminiscing on them, I promise.
Tell a Favorite Story
If you'd rather not make a list, or you're like me and can't remember much, the following is for you. Write down a story they may not remember of an experience you had together. Describe what it means to you, the feelings you had and why this experience is important to you.
More Than a Photo
Choose a photo that you love of them or of the two of you. Print it on stiffer paper (or if you're me, glue card stock to the back) and on the back of the photo, write 3 things you learned from them. Or 3 of your favorite qualities they have.
More Than a Card
Write them a letter, not just a card. Letters allow for space to say what you appreciate about the person, to tell stories, or to share insights. If you are already planning on sending them a gift, add a letter, maybe not just a card. If you don't know what to include in the letter, see my how to write a letter post.
All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Every once in a while I read some historical fiction and it ends up being really great and I tell myself I'll read more of it and then I never do till months later. This is a great read, and I'm once again recommending it years after it was published but at least I'm staying on brand with that. I won't try to introduce it but if you click on the cover, Amazon has a nice little blurb for you.
I'm realizing I haven't reviewed any of these on my blog, which is sad, but also makes me feel good that I read all these books. If you love Mindy, you'll love this book. I didn't love her first book(sorry, Mindy), it just never really sounded like her and lacked direction, I felt. But this one is all about how she's a boss and made room for herself in her industry. It's funny, insightful, and poewrful, just like Mindy.
Jeanette's writing is captivating, image-inducing, and rich. You are there with her seeing and hearing and feeling all that she feels. It's an incredible story, but one that told by another writer would not be as magnetic. It tells of her childhood spent mostly homeless and in constant poverty.
When I first cracked this one open I was basically prepared for a written version of the opener to Fixer Upper. You know how it goes. "We take the worst house in the best neighborhood..." etc. BUT this book is so much more than that. It is a deep look at their relationship, their beliefs and their dreams. And it is wonderful. I feel like this book is both of their hearts on paper and it was just refreshing to get to know them better.
Again, came out years ago, and I read it years ago, just never wrote about it. They made this into a movie, which I never saw and probably never will because the book was perfect and I don't want to cross-contaminate. The story of a woman who has early-onset Alzheimer's written from her perspective. It is heartbreaking, eye and heart-opening, and I still think about this story often.
I know, her trendier book right now is Big Magic but I haven't read that one yet so back off. I read this one almost immediately after reading Eat, Pray, Love so I could find out what happened to her and the guy she met in the end. Well, let me tell you. This is not a story about them two. This is full of research on marriage, the history of it in countries across the globe, and the state of it currently. After getting divorced and then falling in love, her and this guy(don't remember his name) are put in a position where they can only live in the same country if they get married. I learned a lot from this book and it lead me to do a lot of research on my own regarding the history of marriage. I was surprised and delighted. At one point in it, angry, and had to step back to see why, but still delighted in the end. Turns out I did review this one.
Thanks for sticking around to the end. If you made it this far you are a hero. Let me know what ideas you have for Mother's Day in the comments here or on Instagram. Asking for a friend.
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